Source code for specter.throughput

#!/usr/bin/env python


A class for tracking throughput.


- Doesn't support  spatial variation of input sources.
- Doesn't support per-fiber throughput.
- Do I really want to impose a clumsy ObjType ENUM?

How to handle fiber size and sky units?

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
import os
import warnings
import numbers
import numpy as np
from import fits
from specter import util

#- ObjType enum
class ObjType:
    STAR   = 'STAR'
    STD    = 'STD'
    GALAXY = 'GALAXY'   #- pretty meaningless for fiberloss, ok for others
    ELG    = 'ELG'
    LRG    = 'LRG'
    QSO    = 'QSO'
    SKY    = 'SKY'
    CALIB  = 'CALIB'

[docs]def load_throughput(filename): """ Create Throughput object from FITS file with EXTNAME=THROUGHPUT HDU """ #- memmap=False so that fits will really close the file upon fx.close() fx =, memmap=False) thru = fx['THROUGHPUT'].data hdr = fx['THROUGHPUT'].header #- Check for FIBERINPUT HDU if 'FIBERINPUT' in fx: tmp = fx['FIBERINPUT'].data assert(len(tmp) == len(thru)) fiberinput = dict() for key in tmp.dtype.names: fiberinput[key.upper()] = tmp[key] else: print("no FIBERINPUT extention found") fiberinput = thru['fiberinput'] if 'wavelength' in thru.dtype.names: w = thru['wavelength'] elif 'loglam' in thru.dtype.names: w = 10**thru['loglam'] else: fx.close() raise ValueError('throughput must include wavelength or loglam') if 'GEOMAREA' in hdr: area = hdr['GEOMAREA'] elif 'EFFAREA' in hdr: area = hdr['EFFAREA'] #- misnomer, but for backwards compatibility elif 'AREA' in hdr: area = hdr['AREA'] else: fx.close() raise ValueError("throughput file missing GEOMAREA keyword") fx.close() return Throughput( wave = w, throughput = thru['throughput'], extinction = thru['extinction'], fiberinput = fiberinput, exptime = hdr['EXPTIME'], area = area, fiberdia = hdr['FIBERDIA'], )
class Throughput: def __init__(self, wave, throughput, extinction, exptime, area, fiberdia, fiberinput=None): """ Create Throughput object Inputs ------ wave : wavelength array [Angstroms] throughput : array of system throughput for elements which apply to all types of sources, e.g. mirrors, lenses, CCD efficiency extinction : atmospheric extinction array [mags/airmass] exptime: float, default exposure time [sec] area: float, input geometric area [cm^2] fiberdia: float, fiber diameter [arcsec] Optional Inputs --------------- fiberinput : float, array, or dictionary of arrays keyed by objtype. Geometric throughput due to finite sized fiber input. Default to no loss = 1.0. Notes ----- fiberinput is a placeholder, since it really depends upon the spatial extent of the object and the seeing. """ self._wave = np.copy(wave) self._thru = np.copy(throughput) self._extinction = np.copy(extinction) self.exptime = float(exptime) self.area = float(area) self.fiberdia = float(fiberdia) #- Flux -> photons conversion constant #- h [erg s] * c [m/s] * [1e10 A/m] = [erg A] self._hc = 6.62606957e-27 * 2.99792458e8 * 1e10 #- Create fiber input dict keyed by object type, including 'default' if fiberinput is not None: if isinstance(fiberinput, numbers.Real): self._fiberinput = dict(default=np.ones(len(wave)) * fiberinput) elif isinstance(fiberinput, np.ndarray): self._fiberinput = dict(default=np.copy(fiberinput)) elif isinstance(fiberinput, dict): self._fiberinput = fiberinput if 'default' not in fiberinput: self._fiberinput['default'] = np.ones(len(wave)) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized type for fiberinput: {}'.format(type(fiberinput))) else: self._fiberinput = dict(default=np.ones(len(wave))) #- special cases: QSO and STD are STAR for fiber input losses if 'STAR' in self._fiberinput and 'STD' not in self._fiberinput: self._fiberinput['STD'] = self._fiberinput['STAR'] if 'STAR' in self._fiberinput and 'QSO' not in self._fiberinput: self._fiberinput['QSO'] = self._fiberinput['STAR'] @property def fiberarea(self): """Average fiber area [arcsec^2] used for fiber input calculations""" return np.pi * self.fiberdia**2 / 4.0 def extinction(self, wavelength): """ Return atmospheric extinction [magnitudes/airmass] evaluated at wavelength (float or array) """ return np.interp(wavelength, self._wave, self._extinction) def atmospheric_throughput(self, wavelength, airmass=1.0): """ Return atmospheric throughput [0 - 1] at given airmass, evaluated at wavelength (float or array) """ ext = self.extinction(wavelength) return 10**(-0.4 * airmass * ext) def fiberinput_throughput(self, wavelength=None, objtype=ObjType.STAR): """ Return fiber input geometric throughput [0 - 1] evaluated at wavelength (float or array). If wavelength is None, do not interpolate. """ if objtype in self._fiberinput: t = self._fiberinput[objtype] else: msg = 'Unknown objtype {}; using default fiber input loss'.format(objtype) msg += '\nKnown objtypes are '+str(list(self._fiberinput.keys())) warnings.warn(msg) t = self._fiberinput['default'] if wavelength is None: return t else: return np.interp(wavelength, self._wave, t) def hardware_throughput(self, wavelength): """ Return hardware throughput (optics, fiber run, CCD, but not including atmosphere or geometric fiber input losses) evaluated at wavelength (float or array) """ return np.interp(wavelength, self._wave, self._thru, left=0.0, right=0.0) def _throughput(self, objtype=ObjType.STAR, airmass=1.0): """ Returns system throughput for this object type and airmass at the native wavelengths of this Throughput object (self._wave) objtype may be any of the ObjType enumerated types CALIB : atmospheric extinction and fiber input losses not applied SKY : fiber input losses are not applied other : all throughput losses are applied """ objtype = objtype.strip().upper() Tatm = 10**(-0.4*airmass*self._extinction) if objtype == ObjType.CALIB: T = self._thru elif objtype == ObjType.SKY: T = self._thru * Tatm else: Tfiber = self.fiberinput_throughput(wavelength=None, objtype=objtype) T = self._thru * Tatm * Tfiber return T def __call__(self, wavelength, objtype=ObjType.STAR, airmass=1.0): """ Returns system throughput at requested wavelength(s) objtype may be any of the ObjType enumerated types CALIB : atmospheric extinction and fiber input losses not applied SKY : fiber input losses are not applied other : all throughput losses are applied """ T = self._throughput(objtype=objtype, airmass=airmass) return np.interp(wavelength, self._wave, T, left=0.0, right=0.0) def thru(self, *args, **kwargs): """ same as calling self(*args, **kwargs) """ return self(*args, **kwargs) def photons(self, wavelength, flux, units="erg/s/cm^2/A", \ objtype="STAR", exptime=None, airmass=1.0): """ Returns photons per bin given input flux vs. wavelength, flux units, object type, exposure time, and airmass. NOTE: Returns raw photons per wavelength bin, *not* photons/A sampled at these wavelengths Inputs ------ wavelength : input wavelength array in Angstroms flux : input flux; same length as `wavelength` units : units of `flux` * Treated as delta functions at each given wavelength: - "photons" - "erg/s/cm^2" * Treated as function values to be multipled by bin width: - "photon/A" - "erg/s/cm^2/A" - "erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2" "photon" and "photon/A" are as observed by CCD and are returned without applying throughput terms. Optional Inputs --------------- objtype : string, optional; object type for Throughput object. SKY - atmospheric extinction and telescope+instrument throughput applied, but not fiber input geometric losses. CALIB - telescope+instrument throughtput applied, but not atmospheric extinction or fiber input geometric losses. Anything else (default) - treated as astronomical object with all throughput terms applied. exptime : float, optional; exposure time, default self.exptime airmass : float, optional, default 1.0 Returns ------- array of number of photons observed by CCD at each wavelength, i.e. not per-Angstrom. Stephen Bailey, LBL May 2013 """ #- Wavelength bin size dw = np.gradient(wavelength) #- Standardize units; allow some sloppiness units = units.strip() #- FITS pads short strings with spaces (!) units = units.replace("ergs", "erg") units = units.replace("photons", "photon") units = units.replace("Angstroms", "A") units = units.replace("Angstrom", "A") units = units.replace("Ang", "A") units = units.replace("**", "^") units = units.replace("cm2", "cm^2") units = units.replace("arcsec2", "arcsec^2") #- Check for units prefactor like "1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/A" scale = 1.0 tmp = units.split() if len(tmp) == 2: try: scale = float(tmp[0]) flux = flux * scale units = tmp[1] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Non-numeric units scale factor {}".format(tmp[0])) #- Default exposure time if exptime is None: exptime = self.exptime #- Input photons; return photons per bin (not photons per Angstrom) if units == "photon": return flux elif units == "photon/A": return flux * dw #- Sanity check on units if not units.startswith('erg'): raise ValueError("Unrecognized units {}".format(units)) #- If we got here, we need to apply throughputs flux = self.apply_throughput(wavelength, flux, objtype=objtype, airmass=airmass) #- Convert to photons phot = flux * wavelength / self._hc #- erg/s/cm^2/A (i.e. Flambda, astronomical object) if units == "erg/s/cm^2/A": return phot * exptime * self.area * dw #- erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2 (e.g. sky) elif units == "erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2": return phot * exptime * self.area * dw * self.fiberarea #- erg/s/cm^2 (not per A; flux delta functions at given wavelengths) elif units == "erg/s/cm^2": return phot * exptime * self.area #- erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2 (not per A; intensity delta functions) elif units == "erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2": return phot * exptime * self.area * self.fiberarea else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized units {}".format(units)) def apply_throughput(self, wavelength, flux, objtype="STAR", airmass=1.0): """ Returns flux array with throughputs applied for given objtype and airmass. TODO: this is a simple throughput model that can be wrong if there is meaningful structure smaller than the wavelength sampling. """ if flux.ndim == 1 or isinstance(objtype, str): thru = self.thru(wavelength, objtype=objtype, airmass=airmass) return flux * thru else: assert flux.ndim == 2 assert flux.shape[0] == len(objtype) t = dict() objtype = np.array(objtype) outflux = flux.copy() for xt in set(objtype): thru = self.thru(wavelength, objtype=xt, airmass=airmass) ii = np.where(objtype == xt)[0] outflux[ii] *= thru return outflux @property def wavemin(self): """Minimum wavelength [Angstroms] covered by this throughput model""" return self._wave[0] @property def wavemax(self): """Maximum wavelength [Angstroms] covered by this throughput model""" return self._wave[-1]