Source code for specter.psf.gausshermite


GaussHermitePSF - PSF modeled with 2D Gauss-Hermite polynomials as generated
by the specex package at

Stephen Bailey
December 2013

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import special as sp

from import fits
from specter.psf import PSF
from specter.util import TraceSet, outer, legval_numba, custom_hermitenorm, custom_erf

import numba

[docs]class GaussHermitePSF(PSF): """ Model PSF with two central Gauss-Hermite cores with different sigmas plus power law wings. """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Initialize GaussHermitePSF from input file """ #- Check that this file is a current generation Gauss Hermite PSF fx =, memmap=False) #- Read primary header phdr = fx[0].header if 'PSFTYPE' not in phdr: raise ValueError('Missing PSFTYPE keyword') if phdr['PSFTYPE'] != 'GAUSS-HERMITE': raise ValueError('PSFTYPE {} is not GAUSS-HERMITE'.format(phdr['PSFTYPE'])) if 'PSFVER' not in phdr: raise ValueError("PSFVER missing; this version not supported") PSFVER = float(phdr["PSFVER"]) if PSFVER<3 : psf_hdu = 1 else : psf_hdu = "PSF" self._polyparams = hdr = dict(fx[psf_hdu].header) if 'PSFTYPE' not in hdr: raise ValueError('Missing PSFTYPE keyword') if hdr['PSFTYPE'] != 'GAUSS-HERMITE': raise ValueError('PSFTYPE {} is not GAUSS-HERMITE'.format(hdr['PSFTYPE'])) if 'PSFVER' not in hdr: raise ValueError("PSFVER missing; this version not supported") if hdr['PSFVER'] < '1': raise ValueError("Only GAUSS-HERMITE versions 1.0 and greater are supported") #- Calculate number of spectra from FIBERMIN and FIBERMAX (inclusive) self.nspec = hdr['FIBERMAX'] - hdr['FIBERMIN'] + 1 #- Other necessary keywords self.npix_x = hdr['NPIX_X'] self.npix_y = hdr['NPIX_Y'] #- PSF model error if 'PSFERR' in hdr: self.psferr = hdr['PSFERR'] else: self.psferr = 0.01 #- Load the parameters into self.coeff dictionary keyed by PARAM #- with values as TraceSets for evaluating the Legendre coefficients data = fx[psf_hdu].data self.coeff = dict() if PSFVER<3 : # old format for p in data: domain = (p['WAVEMIN'], p['WAVEMAX']) for p in data: name = p['PARAM'].strip() self.coeff[name] = TraceSet(p['COEFF'], domain=domain) #- Pull out x and y as special tracesets self._x = self.coeff['X'] self._y = self.coeff['Y'] else : # new format domain = (hdr['WAVEMIN'], hdr['WAVEMAX']) for p in data: name = p['PARAM'].strip() self.coeff[name] = TraceSet(p['COEFF'], domain=domain) self._x = TraceSet(fx["XTRACE"].data, domain=(fx['XTRACE'].header["WAVEMIN"], fx['XTRACE'].header['WAVEMAX'])) self._y = TraceSet(fx["YTRACE"].data, domain=(fx['YTRACE'].header["WAVEMIN"], fx['YTRACE'].header['WAVEMAX'])) #- Create inverse y -> wavelength mapping self._w = self._y.invert() #- Cache min/max wavelength per fiber at pixel edges self._wmin_spec = self.wavelength(None, -0.5) self._wmax_spec = self.wavelength(None, self.npix_y-0.5) self._wmin = np.min(self._wmin_spec) self._wmin_all = np.max(self._wmin_spec) self._wmax = np.max(self._wmax_spec) self._wmax_all = np.min(self._wmax_spec) #- Filled only if needed self._xsigma = None self._ysigma = None #create dict to hold legval cached data self.legval_dict = None #- Cache hermitenorm polynomials so we don't have to create them #- every time xypix is called self._hermitenorm = list() maxdeg = max(hdr['GHDEGX'], hdr['GHDEGY']) for i in range(maxdeg+1): self._hermitenorm.append( sp.hermitenorm(i) ) fx.close()
[docs] def _xypix(self, ispec, wavelength, ispec_cache=None, iwave_cache=None): """ Two branches of this function which does legendre series fitting First branch = no caching, will recompute legval every time eval is used (slow) Second branch = yes caching, will look up precomputed values of legval (faster) Arguments: ispec: the index of each spectrum wavelength: the wavelength at which to evaluate the legendre series Optional arguments: ispec_cache: the index of each spectrum which starts again at 0 for each patch iwave_cache: the index of each wavelength which starts again at 0 for each patch """ #trying to avoid duplicating code between branches, will split into #cached branch and non-cached branch depending on self.legval_dict #we need this for the original indexing so skip looking up cached values here x = self._x.eval(ispec, wavelength) y = self._y.eval(ispec, wavelength) #- CCD pixel ranges hsizex = self._polyparams['HSIZEX'] hsizey = self._polyparams['HSIZEY'] xccd = np.arange(int(x-hsizex+0.5), int(x+hsizex+1.5)) yccd = np.arange(int(y-hsizey+0.5), int(y+hsizey+1.5)) dx = xccd - x dy = yccd - y nx = len(dx) ny = len(dy) degx1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGX'] degy1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGY'] if self.legval_dict is None: #non-cached branch #print("self.legval_dict is None, hitting non-cached branch") #- Extract GH degree and sigma coefficients for convenience sigx1 = self.coeff['GHSIGX'].eval(ispec, wavelength) sigy1 = self.coeff['GHSIGY'].eval(ispec, wavelength) #- Background tail image tailxsca = self.coeff['TAILXSCA'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailysca = self.coeff['TAILYSCA'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailamp = self.coeff['TAILAMP'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailcore = self.coeff['TAILCORE'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailinde = self.coeff['TAILINDE'].eval(ispec, wavelength) else: #cached branch #print("self.legval_dict is not None, hitting cached branch") #- Extract GH degree and sigma coefficients for convenience sigx1 = self.legval_dict['GHSIGX'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] sigy1 = self.legval_dict['GHSIGY'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] #- Background tail image tailxsca = self.legval_dict['TAILXSCA'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] tailysca = self.legval_dict['TAILYSCA'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] tailamp = self.legval_dict['TAILAMP'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] tailcore = self.legval_dict['TAILCORE'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] tailinde = self.legval_dict['TAILINDE'][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] #- Make tail image (slow version) # img = np.zeros((len(yccd), len(xccd))) # for i, dyy in enumerate(dy): # for j, dxx in enumerate(dx): # r2 = (dxx*tailxsca)**2 + (dyy*tailysca)**2 # img[i,j] = tailamp * r2 / (tailcore**2 + r2)**(1+tailinde/2.0) #- Make tail image (faster, less readable version) #- r2 = normalized distance from center of each pixel to PSF center r2 = np.tile((dx*tailxsca)**2, ny).reshape(ny, nx) + \ np.repeat((dy*tailysca)**2, nx).reshape(ny, nx) tails = tailamp*r2 / (tailcore**2 + r2)**(1+tailinde/2.0) #- Create 1D GaussHermite functions in x and y xfunc1 = [pgh(xccd, i, x, sigma=sigx1) for i in range(degx1+1)] yfunc1 = [pgh(yccd, i, y, sigma=sigy1) for i in range(degy1+1)] #- Create core PSF image core1 = np.zeros((ny, nx)) spot1 = np.empty_like(core1) if self.legval_dict is None: #non-cached branch for i in range(degx1+1): for j in range(degy1+1): #note that we can't use self.core_keys here because it is #only constructed in the cached branch. this is okay for #now because line_profiler shows less than 1 percent of #runtime is spent here c1 = self.coeff['GH-{}-{}'.format(i,j)].eval(ispec, wavelength) outer(yfunc1[j], xfunc1[i], out=spot1) core1 += c1 * spot1 else: #cached branch #but first some prep npfx = np.array(xfunc1) npfy = np.array(yfunc1) #store values of c1 c1_array = np.zeros((ny, nx)) #get legval_value for i in range(degx1+1): for j in range(degy1+1): #see if we can squeeze out some extra speed by looking up the values c1_array[i,j] = self.legval_dict[self.core_keys[i][j]][ispec_cache, iwave_cache] #call our numba-ized function that does some of the expensive #matrix multiplication and bookkeeping core1 = generate_core(degx1, degy1, npfx, npfy, spot1, core1, c1_array) #- Zero out elements in the core beyond 3 sigma #- Only for GaussHermite2 # ghnsig = self.coeff['GHNSIG'].eval(ispec, wavelength) # r2 = np.tile((dx/sigx1)**2, ny).reshape(ny, nx) + \ # np.repeat((dy/sigy1)**2, nx).reshape(ny, nx) # core1 *= (r2<ghnsig**2) #this code will not work, needs to be modified for new pgh! #- Add second wider core Gauss-Hermite term # xfunc2 = [self._pgh(xccd, i, x, sigma=sigx2) for i in range(degx2+1)] # yfunc2 = [self._pgh(yccd, i, y, sigma=sigy2) for i in range(degy2+1)] # core2 = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # for i in range(degx2+1): # for j in range(degy2+1): # spot2 = outer(yfunc2[j], xfunc2[i]) # c2 = self.coeff['GH2-{}-{}'.format(i,j)].eval(ispec, wavelength) # core2 += c2 * spot2 #- Clip negative values and normalize to 1.0 img = core1 + tails ### img = core1 + core2 + tails img = img.clip(0.0) img /= np.sum(img) xslice = slice(xccd[0], xccd[-1]+1) yslice = slice(yccd[0], yccd[-1]+1) return xslice, yslice, img
# return xslice, yslice, (core1, core2, tails)
[docs] def _gh(self, x, m=0, xc=0.0, sigma=1.0): """ return Gauss-Hermite function value, NOT integrated, for display of PSF. Arguments: x: coordinates baseline array m: order of Hermite polynomial multiplying Gaussian core xc: sub-pixel position of Gaussian centroid relative to x baseline sigma: sigma parameter of Gaussian core in units of pixels """ u = (x-xc) / sigma if m > 0: return self._hermitenorm[m](u) * np.exp(-0.5 * u**2) / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) else: return np.exp(-0.5 * u**2) / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)
[docs] def xsigma(self, ispec, wavelength): """ Return Gaussian sigma of PSF spot in cross-dispersion direction in CCD pixel units. ispec : spectrum index wavelength : scalar or vector wavelength(s) to evaluate spot sigmas """ return self.coeff['GHSIGX'].eval(ispec, wavelength)
[docs] def ysigma(self, ispec, wavelength): """ Return Gaussian sigma of PSF spot in dispersion direction in CCD pixel units. ispec : spectrum index wavelength : scalar or vector wavelength(s) to evaluate spot sigmas """ return self.coeff['GHSIGY'].eval(ispec, wavelength)
[docs] def _value(self,x,y,ispec, wavelength): """ return PSF value (same shape as x and y), NOT integrated, for display of PSF. Arguments: x: x-coordinates baseline array y: y-coordinates baseline array (same shape as x) ispec: fiber wavelength: wavelength """ # x, y = self.xy(ispec, wavelength) xc = self._x.eval(ispec, wavelength) yc = self._y.eval(ispec, wavelength) #- Extract GH degree and sigma coefficients for convenience degx1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGX'] degy1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGY'] sigx1 = self.coeff['GHSIGX'].eval(ispec, wavelength) sigy1 = self.coeff['GHSIGY'].eval(ispec, wavelength) #- Background tail image tailxsca = self.coeff['TAILXSCA'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailysca = self.coeff['TAILYSCA'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailamp = self.coeff['TAILAMP'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailcore = self.coeff['TAILCORE'].eval(ispec, wavelength) tailinde = self.coeff['TAILINDE'].eval(ispec, wavelength) #- Make tail image (faster, less readable version) r2 = ((x-xc)*tailxsca)**2+((y-yc)*tailysca)**2 tails = tailamp*r2 / (tailcore**2 + r2)**(1+tailinde/2.0) #- Create 1D GaussHermite functions in x and y xfunc1 = [self._gh(x, i, xc, sigma=sigx1) for i in range(degx1+1)] yfunc1 = [self._gh(y, i, yc, sigma=sigy1) for i in range(degy1+1)] #- Create core PSF image core1 = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(degx1+1): for j in range(degy1+1): c1 = self.coeff['GH-{}-{}'.format(i,j)].eval(ispec, wavelength) core1 += c1 * yfunc1[j]*xfunc1[i] #- Clip negative values and normalize to 1.0 img = core1 + tails ### img = core1 + core2 + tails img = img.clip(0.0) img /= np.sum(img) return img
[docs] def cache_params(self, specrange, wavelengths): #store in a dict self.legval_dict = dict() #store keys in a list self.core_keys = list() for key in self.coeff.keys(): self.legval_dict[key] = self.coeff[key].eval(specrange, wavelengths) #some extra steps to cache what we need for the core PSF image degx1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGX'] degy1 = self._polyparams['GHDEGY'] for i in range(degx1+1): self.core_keys.append(list()) for j in range(degy1+1): self.core_keys[-1].append('GH-{}-{}'.format(i,j)) self.legval_dict[self.core_keys[i][j]]=self.coeff[self.core_keys[i][j]].eval(specrange, wavelengths)
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False) def pgh(x, m=0, xc=0.0, sigma=1.0): """ Pixel-integrated (probabilist) Gauss-Hermite function. Arguments: x: pixel-center baseline array m: order of Hermite polynomial multiplying Gaussian core xc: sub-pixel position of Gaussian centroid relative to x baseline sigma: sigma parameter of Gaussian core in units of pixels Uses the relationship Integral{ H_k(x) exp(-0.5 x^2) dx} = -H_{k-1}(x) exp(-0.5 x^2) + const Written: Adam S. Bolton, U. of Utah, fall 2010 Adapted for efficiency by S. Bailey while dropping generality modified from the orig _pgh to enable jit-compiling --> no longer passing in self, calling custom numba functions in util """ #- Evaluate H[m-1] at half-pixel offsets above and below x dx = x-xc-0.5 u = np.concatenate( (dx, dx[-1:]+1.0) ) / sigma if m > 0: y = -custom_hermitenorm(m-1,u) * np.exp(-0.5 * u**2) / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) return (y[1:] - y[0:-1]) else: y = custom_erf(u/np.sqrt(2.)) return 0.5 * (y[1:] - y[0:-1])
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False) def generate_core(degx1, degy1, npfx, npfy, spot1, core1, c1_array): """ Funtion to speed up some of the expensive parts of _xypix by using numba to JIT-compile. Arguments: degx1: self._polyparams['GHDEGX'], gauss-hermite x degree degy1: self._polyparams['GHDEGY'], gauss-hermite y degree npfx: xfunc1 converted to numpy array (numba doesn't like lists of numpy arrays) npfy: yfunc1 converted to numpy array (numba doesn't like lists of numpy arrays) spot1: a preallocated empty 2d array that is the same size as core1 core1: a 2d array that is modified in place and then returned as the final function output c1_array: the legval values for degx1, degy1, ispec_cache, and iwave_cache which cannot be fed in directly because numba will not handle dictionaries """ for i in range(degx1+1): for j in range(degy1+1): outer(npfy[j], npfx[i], out=spot1) core1 += c1_array[i,j] * spot1 return core1