Source code for


Routines to standarize specter I/O.  This may be refactored into a
separate directory as this grows.

Stephen Bailey, LBL
January 2013

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os
import os.path
from import fits
import numpy as np

[docs]def read_image(filename): """ Read (image, ivar, header) from input filename """ fx = if 'IMAGE' in fx: image = fx['IMAGE'].data hdr = fx['IMAGE'].header else: image = fx[0].data hdr = fx[0].header if 'IVAR' in fx: ivar = fx['IVAR'].data else: ivar = fx[0].data fx.close() return image, ivar, hdr
[docs]def write_spectra(outfile, wave, flux, ivar, resolution, header): """ Write spectra to outfile Args: wave : 1D[nwave] array of wavelengths flux : 2D[nspec, nwave] flux ivar : 2D[nspec, nwave] inverse variance of flux resolution : 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] sparse resolution matrix data header : fits header to include in output Writes data to outfile in 4 HDUs with EXTNAME FLUX, IVAR, WAVE, RESOLUTION """ assert wave.ndim == 1 assert flux.ndim == 2 assert resolution.ndim == 3 assert wave.shape[0] == flux.shape[1] assert flux.shape == ivar.shape assert flux.shape[0] == resolution.shape[0] assert flux.shape[1] == resolution.shape[2] outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) if (outdir != '') and (not os.path.exists(outdir)): os.makedirs(outdir) hx = fits.HDUList() header['EXTNAME'] = 'FLUX' hx.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(flux.astype(np.float32), header=header)) hx.append(fits.ImageHDU(ivar.astype(np.float32), name='IVAR')) hx.append(fits.ImageHDU(wave.astype(np.float32), name='WAVELENGTH')) hx.append(fits.ImageHDU(resolution.astype(np.float32), name='RESOLUTION')) hx.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def read_simspec(filename): """ Read an input simulated spectrum file, parse the various format options, and return a standardized spectrum dictionary for use. Returns a dictionary with keys flux, wavelength, units, objtype """ fx = is_image = fx[0].data is not None fx.close() if is_image: return read_simspec_image(filename) else: return read_simspec_table(filename)
[docs]def read_simspec_image(filename): """ Read an input simulated spectrum file formatted in multi-HDU FITS images. Returns a dictionary with keys flux, wavelength, units, objtype """ fx = flux = fx[0].data header = fx[0].header if 'wavelength' in fx: w = fx['WAVELENGTH'].data elif 'loglam' in fx: w = 10**fx['loglam'].data else: nwave = flux.shape[-1] w = header['CRVAL1'] + np.arange(nwave) * header['CDELT1'] if 'LOGLAM' in header and header['LOGLAM']: w = 10**w #- DC-FLAG is deprecated, but still support it elif 'DC-FLAG' in header and header['DC-FLAG']: w = 10**w #- Convert wavelength to 2D if needed if flux.ndim == 2 and w.ndim == 1: nspec, nwave = flux.shape w = np.tile(w, nspec).reshape(nspec, nwave) #- Get object type or use default if 'OBJTYPE' in header: objtype = header['OBJTYPE'] else: objtype = 'STAR' if 'BUNIT' in header: fluxunits = header['BUNIT'] elif 'FLUXUNIT' in header: fluxunits = header['FLUXUNIT'] else: raise ValueError("Unable to determine flux units; need either BUNIT or FLUXUNIT keyword") fx.close() #- Get object type (CALIB, SKY, etc.) return dict(flux=flux, wavelength=w, units=fluxunits, objtype=objtype)
[docs]def read_simspec_table(filename): """ Read an input simulated spectrum file formatted as a FITS binary table. Returns a dictionary with keys flux, wavelength, units, objtype """ spectra, header = fits.getdata(filename, 1, header=True) #- Extract wavelength in various formats if 'wavelength' in spectra.dtype.names: w = spectra.wavelength elif 'wave' in spectra.dtype.names: w = spectra.wave elif 'loglam' in spectra.dtype.names: w = 10**spectra.loglam else: nwave = spectra.flux.shape[-1] w = header['CRVAL1'] + np.arange(nwave) * header['CDELT1'] if 'LOGLAM' in header and header['LOGLAM']: w = 10**w #- DC-FLAG is deprecated, but still support it elif 'DC-FLAG' in header and header['DC-FLAG']: w = 10**w #- Convert wavelength to 2D if needed if spectra.flux.ndim == 2 and w.ndim == 1: nspec, nwave = spectra.flux.shape w = np.tile(w, nspec).reshape(nspec, nwave) #- extract objtype if 'objtype' in spectra.dtype.names: objtype = spectra.objtype else: objtype = header['OBJTYPE'] #- Determine flux units from TUNITnn or FLUXUNIT keywords key = 'TUNIT%d' % (spectra.dtype.names.index('flux')+1, ) if key in header: units = header[key].strip() elif 'FLUXUNIT' in header: units = header['FLUXUNIT'].strip() elif 'BUNIT' in header: units = header['BUNIT'].strip() else: print('WARNING: using default flux units of erg/s/cm^2/A', file=sys.stderr) units = 'erg/s/cm^2/A' #- return results return dict(flux=spectra.flux, wavelength=w, units=units, objtype=objtype)