Source code for specter.extract.ex1d


1D Extraction like Horne 1986

Stephen Bailey, LBL
Spring 2013

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import math

from specter.util import gausspix, weighted_solve

[docs]def ex1d(img, mask, psf, readnoise=2.5, specrange=None, yrange=None, nspec_per_group=20, debug=False, model=False): """Extract spectra from an image using row-by-row weighted extraction. Parameters ---------- img : array-like CCD image. mask : array-like Image mask, 0=good, non-zero=bad psf : object PSF object. readnoise : float, optional CCD readnoise specrange : list, optional (specmin, specmax) Spectral range to extract (default all) yrange : list, optional (ymin, ymax) CCD y (row) range to extract (default all rows) ranges are python-like, *i.e.* yrange=(0,100) extracts 100 rows from 0 to 99 inclusive but not row 100. nspec_per_group : int, optional Extract spectra in groups of N spectra (faster if spectra are physically separated into non-overlapping groups). debug : bool, optional If ``True``, stop with prompt after each row model : bool, optional Unknown parameter Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing spectra[nspec, ny] the extracted spectra, specivar[nspec, ny] the inverse variance of spectra. """ #- Range of spectra to extract specmin, specmax = specrange if (specrange is not None) else (0, psf.nspec) nspec = specmax - specmin #- Rows to extract ymin, ymax = yrange if (yrange is not None) else (0, psf.npix_y) ny = ymax - ymin nx = img.shape[0] xx = np.arange(nx) spectra = np.zeros((nspec, ny)) specivar = np.zeros((nspec, ny)) if model: imgmodel = np.zeros(img.shape) #- Loop over groups of spectra for speclo in range(specmin, specmax, nspec_per_group): spechi = min(specmax, speclo+nspec_per_group) #- Calc trace centers (x0) and gaussian sigmas (xsigma) for each row allx0 = np.zeros((nspec_per_group, ymax-ymin)) allxsigma = np.zeros((nspec_per_group, ymax-ymin)) rows = np.arange(ymin, ymax) for ispec in range(speclo, spechi): w = psf.wavelength(ispec, y=rows) allx0[ispec-speclo] = psf.x(ispec, w) allxsigma[ispec-speclo] = psf.xsigma(ispec, w) #- Loop over CCD rows for irow, row in enumerate(range(ymin, ymax)): if debug and row%500 == 0: print("Row {:3d} spectra {}:{}".format(row, speclo, spechi)) #- Determine x range covered for this row of this group of spectra wlo = psf.wavelength(speclo, y=row) whi = psf.wavelength(spechi-1, y=row) if speclo == 0: xmin = 0 else: xmin = int(0.5*(psf.x(speclo-1, wlo) + psf.x(speclo, wlo))) if spechi >= psf.nspec: xmax = psf.npix_x else: xmax = int(0.5*(psf.x(spechi-1, wlo) + psf.x(spechi, wlo)) + 1) #- Design matrix for pixels = A * flux for this row A = np.zeros( (xmax-xmin, spechi-speclo) ) for ispec in range(speclo, spechi): # w = psf.wavelength(ispec, y=row) # x0 = psf.x(ispec, w) # xsigma = psf.xsigma(ispec, w) x0 = allx0[ispec-speclo, irow] xsigma = allxsigma[ispec-speclo, irow] #- x range for single spectrum on single row xlo = max(xmin, int(x0-5*xsigma)) xhi = min(xmax, int(x0+5*xsigma+1)) A[xlo-xmin:xhi-xmin, ispec-speclo] = gausspix(xx[xlo:xhi], x0, xsigma) #- Original solve, weighting by input ivar ### tmpspec, iCov = weighted_solve(A, img[row, xmin:xmax], ivar[row, xmin:xmax]) #- Solve weighting only by readnoise and mask nx = xmax-xmin xvar = np.ones(nx)*readnoise**2 * (mask[row, xmin:xmax] == 0) tmpspec, iCov = weighted_solve(A, img[row, xmin:xmax], 1.0/xvar) #- Re-extract with weight incluing model shot noise xvar = ( + readnoise**2) * (mask[row, xmin:xmax] == 0) tmpspec, iCov = weighted_solve(A, img[row, xmin:xmax], 1.0/xvar) if model: imgmodel[row, xmin:xmax] = spectra[speclo-specmin:spechi-specmin, row-ymin] = tmpspec specivar[speclo-specmin:spechi-specmin, row-ymin] = iCov.diagonal() if debug: print(speclo, row) import IPython IPython.embed() if model: return spectra, specivar, imgmodel else: return spectra, specivar